
Note: This is no longer the current timetable

Route 528

Osterley – Wood Lane – Isleworth

Temporary free route during diversion of route H28 away from Thornbury Road

Mondays to Fridays Saturdays Sundays

Route record (places served and roads followed)

528 Mondays to Fridays towards Isleworth         Other direction       Sat       Sun  

Osterley, Library                            0605 0625 0645 0705 Then every 20       25 45 05       1425 1445 1505 1525 1545 1605 1625
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0608 0628 0648 0709 minutes at these    29 49 09 until 1429 1449 1510 1530 1550 1610 1630
West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0613 0633 0653 0715 mins past the hour  35 55 15       1435 1456 1517 1537 1557 1617 1637

Osterley, Library                            1645 1705 1725 1745 1805 1825 1845 1905 1935 2005 Then every 30       35 05          0005
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1650 1710 1730 1750 1810 1830 1850 1909 1939 2008 minutes at these    38 08 until    0008
West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1657 1717 1737 1757 1817 1837 1857 1915 1945 2014 mins past the hour  44 14          0014

528 Mondays to Fridays towards Osterley         Other direction       Sat       Sun  

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0555 0615 0635 0654 0713 0733 0753 0811 0831 0851 0912 0932 0952 1012 1032 1052 1112 1132
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0559 0619 0640 0659 0719 0739 0759 0818 0838 0858 0919 0939 0959 1019 1039 1059 1119 1139
Osterley, Library                            0603 0623 0644 0704 0724 0744 0804 0824 0844 0904 0924 0944 1004 1024 1044 1104 1124 1144

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1152 Then every 20       12 32 52       1452 1511 Then every 20       31 51 11       1811
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1159 minutes at these    19 39 59 until 1459 1518 minutes at these    38 58 18 until 1818
Osterley, Library                            1204 mins past the hour  24 44 04       1504 1524 mins past the hour  44 04 24       1824

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1831 1853 1925 1955 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2255 2325 2355
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1838 1900 1931 2001 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 2400
Osterley, Library                            1844 1904 1934 2005 2034 2104 2134 2204 2234 2304 2334 0004

528 Saturdays and Good Fridays towards Isleworth         Mon-Fri       Other direction       Sun  

Osterley, Library                            0605 Then every 20       25 45 05       0845 0905 0925 0945 1005 1025 1045 1105 1125 1145
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0608 minutes at these    28 48 08 until 0848 0909 0929 0949 1009 1029 1049 1109 1129 1149
West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0613 mins past the hour  33 53 13       0853 0914 0934 0954 1015 1035 1055 1115 1135 1155

Osterley, Library                            1205 Then every 20       25 45 05       1745 1805 Then every 30       35 05          0005
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1209 minutes at these    29 49 09 until 1749 1809 minutes at these    39 09 until    0009
West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1215 mins past the hour  35 55 15       1755 1814 mins past the hour  44 14          0014

528 Saturdays and Good Fridays towards Osterley         Mon-Fri       Other direction       Sun  

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0555 0615 0635 0655 0715 0735 0755 0815 0835 0855 0914 0934 0954 1014 1034 1054 1114 1134
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0559 0619 0639 0659 0720 0740 0800 0820 0840 0900 0919 0940 1000 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140
Osterley, Library                            0603 0623 0643 0703 0724 0744 0804 0824 0844 0904 0923 0944 1004 1024 1044 1104 1124 1144

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1154 Then every 20       14 34 54       1754 1824 1854 1924 1954 2024 2054 2124 2155 2225
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1200 minutes at these    20 40 00 until 1800 1830 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230
Osterley, Library                            1204 mins past the hour  24 44 04       1804 1834 1904 1934 2004 2034 2104 2134 2204 2234

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     2255 2325 2355
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     2300 2330 2400
Osterley, Library                            2304 2334 0004

528 Sundays and Public Holidays (excluding Christmas Day) towards Isleworth         Mon-Fri       Sat       Other direction  

Osterley, Library                            0605 Then every 30       35 05          1035 1105 Then every 30       35 05          0005
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0608 minutes at these    38 08 until    1038 1108 minutes at these    38 08 until    0008
West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0613 mins past the hour  43 13          1043 1114 mins past the hour  44 14          0014

528 Sundays and Public Holidays (excluding Christmas Day) towards Osterley         Mon-Fri       Sat       Other direction  

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     0555 0625 0655 0725 0755 0825 0855 0925 0954 1023 Then every 30       53 23          1623
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     0600 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 0959 1029 minutes at these    59 29 until    1629
Osterley, Library                            0604 0634 0704 0734 0804 0834 0904 0934 1003 1034 mins past the hour  04 34          1634

West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham Road     1654 1725 Then every 30       55 25          2355
Wood Lane, Conquest Club                     1700 1730 minutes at these    00 30 until    2400
Osterley, Library                            1704 1734 mins past the hour  04 34          0004

Note: On Boxing Day, a Sunday service operates. There is no service on Christmas Day. On working Mondays to Fridays around Christmas and New Year, a Saturday service operates. The precise dates of operation depend on the day of the week on which Christmas Day falls.

Operated by Abellio London for London Buses.

Temporary route introduced 05/01/15

Route record

Osterley – Wood Lane – Isleworth
Osterley Library - St Mary's Crescent - Ridgeway Road North - Jersey Road - Wood Lane - Isleworth - Amhurst Gardens - Twickenham Road - West Middlesex Hospital Twickenham Road

Isleworth – Wood Lane – Osterley
West Middlesex Hospital Twickenham Road - Twickenham Road - Amhurst Gardens - Isleworth - Wood Lane - Jersey Road - Thornbury Road - St Mary's Crescent - Osterley Library

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Note: This is no longer the current timetable