
Note: This is no longer the current timetable

153: Liverpool Street to Finsbury Park Daily

Timetable from 7th September 2002

The service between Liverpool Street Station and Hemmingford Road, Richmond Avenue is within Pass Zone 1. The remainder of this service is within Pass Zone 2.

Mondays to Fridays - Saturdays - Sundays - Times towards Liverpool Street

Mondays to Fridays

Liverpool Street Station 05:05 05:25 05:45 06:05 06:18 06:31   18:49 19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50 20:10   30 50 10   00:10
Moorgate Station 05:08 05:28 05:48 06:08 06:21 06:34 Then 18:53 19:09 19:24 19:39 19:54 20:14   34 54 14   00:14
Barbican Station 05:12 05:32 05:52 06:12 06:25 06:38 about 18:58 19:14 19:28 19:43 19:58 20:18 Then 38 58 18 Past 00:18
Clarkenwell Rd St John St 05:14 05:34 05:54 06:14 06:27 06:42 every 19:01 19:16 19:31 19:45 20:00 20:20 at 40 00 20 each 00:20
Islington Angel 05:19 05:39 05:59 06:19 06:33 06:48 12 19:10 19:25 19:39 19:53 20:07 20:26 these 46 06 26 hour 00:26
Barnsbury Hemingford Arms 05:22 05:42 06:02 06:25 06:36 06:50 mins 19:14 19:29 19:42 19:56 20:10 20:29 mins 49 09 29 until 00:29
Holloway Nag's Head 05:28 05:48 06:08 06:28 06:43 06:58 until 19:24 19:38 19:52 20:05 20:18 20:37   57 17 37   00:37
Finsbury Park Station 05:32 05:52 06:12 06:32 06:47 07:03   19:31 19:45 19:58 20:11 20:24 20:42   02 22 42   00:42


Saturdays (and Good Friday)

Liverpool Street Station 05:05   25 45 05   07:25 07:37 07:49 08:01 08:13 08:25 08:40 08:55 09:10 09:23 09:35   19:05
Moorgate Station 05:08   28 48 08   07:28 07:41 07:57 08:05 08:18 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:28 09:40 Then 19:09
Barbican Station 05:12 Then 32 52 12 Past 07:32 07:45 08:02 08:10 08:23 08:35 08:50 09:05 09:20 09:32 09:44 about 19:13
Clarkenwell Rd St John St 05:14 at 34 54 14 each 07:34 07:48 08:05 08:13 08:26 08:38 08:53 09:09 09:23 09:35 09:47 every 19:15
Islington Angel 05:19 these 39 59 19 hour 07:39 07:54 08:11 08:18 08:32 08:44 08:59 09:14 09:29 09:42 09:55 12 19:22
Barnsbury Hemingford Arms 05:22 mins 42 02 22 until 07:42 07:59 08:16 08:24 08:38 09:50 09:05 09:20 09:35 09:48 10:00 mins 19:26
Holloway Nag's Head 05:28   48 08 28   07:48 08:06 08:26 08:33 08:48 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 09:58 10:11 until 19:35
Finsbury Park Station 05:32   52 12 32   07:52 08:11 08:31 08:37 08:52 09:04 09:19 09:34 09:49 10:03 10:17   19:42


Liverpool Street Station   30 50 10   00:10
Moorgate Station   34 54 14   00:14
Barbican Station Then 38 58 18 Past 00:18
Clarkenwell Rd St John St at 40 00 20 each 00:20
Islington Angel these 46 06 26 hour 00:26
Barnsbury Hemingford Arms mins 49 09 29 until 00:29
Holloway Nag's Head   57 17 37   00:37
Finsbury Park Station   02 22 42   00:42



Liverpool Street Station 06:50   08:30 08:45   00 15 30 45   19:15 19:30   50 10 30   00:10
Moorgate Station 06:53   08:33 08:48   03 18 33 48   19:19 19:34   54 14 34   00:14
Barbican Station 06:57 Then 08:37 08:52 Then 07 22 37 52 Past 19:24 19:38 Then 58 18 38 Past 00:18
Clarkenwell Rd St John St 06:59 every 08:39 08:54 at 09 24 39 54 each 19:27 19:40 at 00 20 40 each 00:20
Islington Angel 07:03 20 08:43 08:58 these 13 28 43 58 hour 19:33 19:46 these 06 26 46 hour 00:26
Barnsbury Hemingford Arms 07:07 mins 08:47 09:03 mins 18 33 48 03 until 19:38 19:49 mins 09 29 49 until 00:29
Holloway Nag's Head 07:13 until 08:53 09:11   26 41 56 11   19:46 19:57   17 37 57   00:37
Finsbury Park Station 07:17   08:57 09:16   31 46 01 16   19:51 20:02   22 42 02   00:42


Operated by Hackney Community Transport for London Buses


153: Liverpool Street to Finsbury Park Daily

Timetable from 7th September 2002

The service between Liverpool Street Station and Hemmingford Road, Richmond Avenue is within Pass Zone 1. The remainder of this service is within Pass Zone 2.

Mondays to Fridays - Saturdays - Sundays - Times towards Liverpool Street

Mondays to Fridays

Finsbury Park Station 04:55 05:15 05:35 05:55 06:08 06:21   19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50   10 30 50   23:10 23:30 23:50
Holloway Nag's Head 04:59 05:19 05:39 05:59 06:12 06:25 Then 19:11 19:25 19:40 19:55   15 35 55   23:15 23:35 23:55
Barnsbury Hemmingford Arms 05:06 05:26 05:46 06:09 06:23 06:37 about 19:21 19:35 19:49 20:03 Then 21 41 01 Past 23:21 23:41 00:01
Islington Angel 05:09 05:29 05:49 06:09 06:23 06:37 every 19:26 19:40 19:54 20:08 at 28 48 08 each 23:28 23:48 00:08
Clerkenwell Road St John St 05:15 05:35 05:55 06:15 06:29 06:44 12 19:34 19:48 20:01 20:14 these 34 54 14 hour 23:34 23:53 00:13
Barbican Station 05:16 05:36 05:56 06:16 06:31 06:46 mins 19:36 19:49 20:03 20:15 mins 35 55 15 until 23:35 23:55 00:15
Moorgate South Place 05:19 05:39 05:59 06:19 06:34 06:49 until 19:41 19:54 20:07 20:19   39 59 19   23:39 23:59 00:19
Liverpool Street Station 05:23 05:43 06:03 06:23 06:38 06:54   19:47 20:00 20:13 20:25   45 05 25   23:45 00:05 00:25


Saturdays (and Good Friday)

Finsbury Park Station 04:55   07:35 07:47 07:59 08:11 08:23 08:38 08:53   19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50 20:10   30 50 10
Holloway Nag's Head 04:59   07:39 07:51 08:03 08:15 08:28 08:43 08:58 Then 19:10 19:25 19:40 19:55 20:15   35 55 15
Barnsbury Hemmingford Arms 05:06 Then 07:46 07:58 08:16 08:24 08:37 08:52 09:07 about 19:19 19:34 19:48 20:03 20:23 Then 41 01 21
Islington Angel 05:09 every 07:50 08:02 08:23 08:29 08:43 08:58 09:13 every 19:24 19:39 19:53 20:08 20:28 at 48 08 28
Clerkenwell Road St John St 05:15 20 07:55 08:09 08:30 08:37 08:51 09:06 09:21 12 19:31 19:46 20:00 20:14 20:34 these 54 14 34
Barbican Station 05:16 mins 07:56 08:10 08:32 08:38 08:53 09:05 09:23 mins 19:33 19:47 20:01 20:15 20:35 mins 55 15 35
Moorgate South Place 05:19 until 07:59 08:13 08:37 08:43 08:58 09:13 09:28 until 19:37 19:51 20:05 20:19 20:39   59 19 39
Liverpool Street Station 05:23   08:03 08:18 08:42 08:48 09:03 09:18 09:33   19:44 19:58 20:12 20:26 20:45   05 25 45


Finsbury Park Station   23:10 23:30 23:50
Holloway Nag's Head   23:15 23:35 23:55
Barnsbury Hemmingford Arms Past 23:21 23:41 00:01
Islington Angel each 23:28 23:48 00:08
Clerkenwell Road St John St hour 23:34 23:53 00:13
Barbican Station until 23:35 23:55 00:15
Moorgate South Place   23:39 23:59 00:19
Liverpool Street Station   23:45 00:05 00:25



Finsbury Park Station 06:40   08:40 08:50 09:00   15 30 45 00   19:15 19:30   50 10 30   23:10 23:30 23:50
Holloway Nag's Head 06:44   08:44 08:54 09:05   20 35 50 05   19:20 19:35   55 15 35   23:15 23:35 23:55
Barnsbury Hemmingford Arms 06:51 Then 08:51 09:01 09:13   28 43 58 13   19:28 19:43 Then 01 21 41 Past 23:21 23:41 00:01
Islington Angel 06:55 every 08:55 09:05 09:19   34 49 04 19   19:34 19:48 at 08 28 48 each 23:28 23:48 00:08
Clerkenwell Road St John St 07:00 20 09:00 09:10 09:25   40 55 10 25   19:40 19:54 these 14 34 54 hour 23:34 23:53 00:13
Barbican Station 07:01 mins 09:01 09:12 09:27   42 57 12 27   19:42 19:55 mins 15 35 55 until 23:35 23:55 00:15
Moorgate South Place 07:04 until 09:04 09:16 09:31   46 01 16 31   19:46 19:59   19 39 59   23:39 23:59 00:19
Liverpool Street Station 07:08   09:08 09:21 09:36   51 06 21 36   19:51 20:05   25 45 05   23:45 00:05 00:25



Operated by Hackney Community Transport for London Buses


Note: This is no longer the current timetable