Welcome to the site that acts as an archive for copies of old London bus working timetables.  In 2013 (I think) TfL began making working timetables (time schedules) available in response to Freedom of Information requests, often through the What Do They Know website.  

Detailed pages last updated at 1500 on 9th February.  The individual route pages contain links giving you easy access to scanned schedules and panel and html timetables on my companion sites. You will have to use your browser's Back button to get back here as I have not put return links on the individual pages on those sites. If you have problems downloading .xls or .zip files, make sure you are accessing the https: version of the front page, not the http: version, as browsers are getting very picky and declaring the latter to be insecure.

What I cannot do is sort out issues with the individual files as downloaded from TfL's site. Their new format has issues on incorrect trip ordering of trips, driver reliefs and routes where the same day type is used for both main and secondary routes (e g 108 and 108D on Saturdays and Sundays- only 108D can be got, even via TfL's 108 link). You can still get the missing "main" schedules from this site at the foot of the route page.

 List of recent additions was updated at 1230 on 9th February

If the dates on this page are more than a week ago, I am probably away, busy on other things or dead (at least slightly ill). Or my computer (or TfL's, or the internet connection) is. Or there is a cyberattack!

The site now contains links to getting on for around 102,000 WTTs, of which typically over 3,000 are live (more around Christmas)

Links to working timetables (time schedules)

1 to 49   50 to 99   100 to 149   150 to 199   200 to 249   250 to 299   300 to 349   350 to 399   400 to 449   450 to 499   500 to 999   Prefixed   Nights (N)   Tube replacement (UL)   River   Really old (scanned) schedules

Link to orthodox timetables (the original, if somewhat out-of-date) Timetable Graveyard

Timetable Home

TfL is now providing all current bus working timetables from its own website.  These can be accessed through their drop down timetables, which now work for all routes.  However, it was fairly easy to integrate access to these with access to the available older WTTs, which I was already doing - so I have done this to provide an alternative. It also provides easier access to obscure routes such as the UL tube replacement services, those associated with Tramlink (which have a T prefix, for example 130 and the 64 night service masquerading as T130 and TN64 respectively) and night elements of 24 hour services (which have a N prefix on TfL's system). For a time weekend night services on routes (N)14 and N279 were denoted by F14 and F279 but with the  night tube weekend night bus services are being reduced, so these may well turn out to have been a two-off. Note that I have now produced separate pages for River services and Prefixed (UL-) Rail Replacement servicesI have included details of termini for these routes as very few would be able to identify them from the number alone.

TfL usually update their site late on Sunday evenings. A list of new and replacement files in the most recent TfL update (sometimes newer than the date shown above) can be found here. The main site, once updated, also indicates which files are new (in the final "currently available" section for each route) in the latest and immediately preceding updates.

The site has been extended to give access to the large number of long obsolete working timetables recently made available by TfL. Of these about 40,000 were not previously covered on this site. The original TfL files are in XML format but I have extracted the most important information and saved them as Excel workbooks. They also contain slightly different information and the presentation, while broadly similar to the PDFs, is a bit different. All stops served are listed, rather than those used as timing points in the times element of the schedules. All the times in one direction are shown on one sheet. The only interesting information missing is the location of relief points; we can tell which journeys reliefs occur on mid-route but not where, at least not with any reliability.

The Excel files are (I hope) set up in such a way as to give sensible results when printing. If you want a PDF version, just use a "Print to PDF" option but be warned - Microsoft Print to PDF greatly expands file sizes.

The process is automated, as it has to be with so many files. Please let me know if links do not work or if the files they link to look wrong.

Going back to the files on this site, files other than those obtained from TfL's "expired" file are mostly files are in PDF form. A few of the early FOI responses gave schedules in Excel or even csv form or had been edited before release to remove data on duties, cross-links and reliefs.  Most of these early files have now been rendered redundant by "expired" files but a few exceptions remain.

If the pages are out of date, it may be because I have not processed the latest files yet, or because TfL have not updated the source material. However, I have changed how the pages are coded and presented so that links to current WTTs are presented separately, as well as against a specific date, and all explicitly dated material goes to separate links away from the TfL website. This should greatly reduce the likelihood of links taking you to the wrong file.

A number of specific points are worth making:- 

#1: Some of the differences between different schedules for a particular route and date affect cross-links to or from other routes, relief times, duty numbers or other features which do not impact on the times at which buses operate on the route.  Also note that reinstated schedules (after temporary schedules) usually get a fresh Service Change Number, adding to the potential number of duplicates.

#2: By the same token, schedules for different dates for the same route may vary in the same ways, thus times at which buses are not necessarily affected.

#3: A schedule listed under a particular date may not necessarily ever have operated.  For example, a Boxing Day schedule listed with a May date may have been overtaken by a further revision before December.  Or Christmas capacity problems might have been handled in a different way to that anticipated when the schedule was prepared.

#4: A schedule listed under a particular date may have started on a different date. The most obvious example is the initial FrNt/SaNt timetables linked to Night Tube, which carry the initially proposed dates of introduction from 2015 rather than the actual dates from 2016.

#5: No great attention should be paid to the order of the Service Change Numbers.  A long delayed service change may have a SCN which looks like one from a sequence used two years earlier and there may well have been other changes (with higher SCNs) in the meantime. 

#6: For older files (before TfL started publishing as an a matter of course) the absence of (say) a Sunday or Boxing Day schedule for a particular date does not necessarily mean that it does not exist.  It would depend on how the original FOI request was phrased.

#7: There is an issue on the TfL website relating to the use of upper and lower case for different schedules, for example sMFSc and SMFSc, where one means special and the other Summer.  Basically they overwrite each other so for the few routes where the issue arises there will never (quite) be a full set of WTTs.

#8: The descriptions in red provided alongside some SCNs are essentially what it says on the WTT document. These descriptions are not necessarily complete or correct. For example, there are examples where the description says "Temporary diversion" when the WTT has been issues because the diversion has ended! In most cases the description on the document merely reads "SCHEDULE", even when a substantive reason for the WTT could have been shown. So please do not place too much weights on the descriptions; some time in this century I might get round to aligning them with other information ... but don't count on it!

Comments and notification of errors (and of links that do not work) are welcome but please bear in mind that I cannot answer enquiries which are not about this site: e-mail here

If anyone is prepared to let me use similar electronic London bus timetable information, such as scanned files (and there are no copyright issues) I would be happy to host them: e-mail here